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Journal for Studies in Management and Planning

Available at

ISSN: 2395-0463

Volume 04 Issue 04

April 2018

Available online: P a g e | 153

Working Capital Management : Sources

& Its Effects On Profitability

Meenu Jangra

H. No. 212, V& PO Harewali, Delhi


“ Working capital is the life – blood and controlling nerve centre of a business.”

Without proper working management a firm can’t achieve its pre determined objectives and it

is not possible to maintain its financial soundness. The amounts which a firm invests in

working capital are often high in proportion to the total assets employed so it is necessary to

use these amounts in efficient and effective way. Therefore, the aim of working capital

management is to maintain a balance between liquidity and profitability while conducting the

day to day operations of business concern. Working capital management plays a significant

role in the improved profitability of a firm. With the help of this, firms are capable of gaining

sustainable competitive advantage by means of effective and efficient utilization of the amounts

of the organisation. In doing so, the profitability of the firm is expected to increase. An efficient

working capital management is very important to create and increase value for shareholders.

The main purpose of any firm is to maximize profit but to maintain liquidity is also an

important objective. In a firm, there should be proper balance between profitability while

conducting its day to day operations. Because inadequacy of working capital may lead to

insolvency of a firm and excessive funds implies idle funds which earn no profits.The way the

working capital has managed is great impact on both profitability and liquidity. The

management can take the help of various techniques like comparative statements, cash flows

statements, cost – volume – profit analysis, ratio analysis etc. to evaluate its financial

performance. The aim of this paper is to analyze the effect of working capital management on

firm’s profitability.

KEYWORDS: - Working Capital, Profitability, Firm, Cash, Management


In present time, availability of fund

is necessary for every business. Every firm,

whether large or small, needs funds for

short term as well as for long term. Long

term funds are required to purchase fixed

assets. After purchasing these assets,

investments in these assets blocked on

permanent basis. Funds are also needed for

short term purposes like payment of daily

expenses, purchase of raw material etc.

Funds for short term purposes are known as

working capital. All individual components

of working capital like cash, marketable

securities, account receivables, inventory

management etc. play a vital role in the

performance of any firm. In short, working

capital refers to that part of capital which is

required for financing short term purposes.

In general practice,

Working Capital = Current Assets -

Current Liability

Therefore, it is the responsibility of

every management to manage it properly.

Thus, working capital management is

related with the problems that arise in

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Journal for Studies in Management and Planning

Available at

ISSN: 2395-0463

Volume 04 Issue 04

April 2018

Available online: P a g e | 154

managing the current assets, current

liabilities and the inter relationship that

exists between them. The main objective of

it is to manage these in such a way that a

satisfactory level of working capital is

maintained and it provides the firm with

maximum return on its assets and

minimizes payments for its liabilities. The

working capital should neither inadequate

nor excessive. Working capital

management have a great effect on the

profitability of a firm. The efficiency of

management is necessary for

manufacturing and construction firms

because in these firms a major part of assets

is compossed of current assets. It directly

effects the profitability of firm. The main

purpose of any firm is to maximize profit

but to maintain liquidity is also an

important objective. In a firm, there should

be proper balance between profitability

while conducting its day to day operations.

Because inadequacy of working capital

may lead to insolvency of a firm and

excessive funds implies idle funds which

earn no profits. It is a difficult task for the

management to estimate the proper

working capital because the amount of

working capital varies from firm to firm

over the periods. The requirements of a

firm depend upon a large number of

factors. Some of them are following:

 Nature and size of business

 Production, dividend and credit


 Length of production cycle

 Rate of stock turnover

 Business policy

 Earning capacity

 Price level changes


Ghosh and Maji (2003) said that an

attempt is made to examine the efficiency

and effectiveness of working capital

management of the Indian Cement

Company during 1992 – 1993 to 2001-

2002. During the period of study, it is also

tested the speed of achieving the target

level of efficiency by an individual firm.

Shin and Soenen (1998) highlighted that

an efficient working capital management is

very important to create and increase value

for shareholders. This paper found a

negative relationship between lengths of the

firm’s net trading cycle and its profitability.

Dutta and Sukamal (1995) They evaluated

the working capital crisis and working

capital management requirements of

selected paper mills of West Bengal during

the period 1983 – 1984 to 1985 – 86. The

study concluded that the overall financial

conditions of 40% of the firms were

assumed to be precarious.

Mohan and Reddy P. (1991) In Andhra

Pradesh, from 1977 to 1986, they examined

the various aspects relating to working

capital management among six selected

large scale private companies. This study

showed that the investment in current assets

in the companies were more than that of

fixed assets.

Eljelly (2004) According to him, the

working capital management requires

planning and controlling current assets and

current liabilities in such a way that it

eradicatesg the threat of inability to meet

the short term liabilities and evade

excessive investment in these assets.


1) To understand the concept of

Working Capital Management.

2) To study the various sources of

working capital.

3) To study the effect of working

capital management on firm’s profitability.

4) To know the different ways to

manage the different components of

working capital.

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Journal for Studies in Management and Planning

Available at

ISSN: 2395-0463

Volume 04 Issue 04

April 2018

Available online: P a g e | 155


This research is totally based on the

secondary data. The available magazines,

articles, books, journals, research paper and

the information and data available on

different websites are extensively used for

this research study.


The main sources of working capital are

as follows:

 Commercial Banks: These banks

are the most important source of short term

capital. In the total capital of a firm, major

portion are provided by these banks. They

provide the loans to meet the requirements

of a firm in the form of overdrafts, cash

credit etc.

 Advances: During a transaction,

many firms get advances from their

customers. It is a cheap and easy way for a

firm for financing. Some firms, especially

the manufacturing firms having long

production cycle, to minimize their

investment in working capital give

preference to take advance from their


 Instalment method: It is a method

through which the assets are purchased on

instalment basis. In this method, the

possesion of asset is taken immediately but

the payment is made in instalments over a

period of time.

 Trade credit: At present,

commerce is built upon credit. The facility

of trade credit is based upon the credit- worthiness of a firm and the relationship

between the firm and its suppliers. In this,

the suppliers of goods extend the credit

during the normal course of business.

Sometimes, the trade credit also take the

form of bills payable.

 Accrued expenses: The expenses

which have been incurred but not yet due

are known as accrued expenses like wages

& salary, interest, taxes etc. These expenses

represent the liability that a firm has to pay

for the services already received by it. As

the period of payment increase, the amount

of funds available with the firm increases.

Thus all accrued expenses can be a greater

source of finance for a firm.




As we shortens the cash conversion cycle,

cash becomes free for another purposes.

We can invest this cash on equipment,

infrastructure, innovating manufacturing

and selling process or lowering the total

investments in current assets. As a result,

the operating profitability of a firm will

increase. In contrast, when we lengthens

the cash conversion cycle, cash tide up in

the firm’s operation activities. Then there

will be little chance for other investments

of this cashflow. Firm’s profitability is

decreased as a result. After the above

description, we can say that cash

conversion cycle is said to have a negative

relationship with firm’s profitability.

On the other hand, cash conversion cycle

can also have positive influence on firm’s

profitability. It could be interpreted with the

help of inventory period and account

receivable period. The longer the inventory

period, the lower the cost involved in

procrastinating of goods. In the mean time,

the longer the accounts receivable period,

the higher credit sales earned. The higher

reputation can be earned for borrowing

opportunities by lowering the accounts

payable period. Converge the three effects

into one place, we can expain for an

increase in company profitability due to the

long cash conversion cycle. In contrast,

shortenig the cash conversion cycle could

harm the company profitability. The

company could face inventory shortages as

reducing inventory conversion period, lose

good credit customers as reducing accounts

receivable period and hamper its credit

reputation as lengthning the accounts