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The Coronavirus epidemic has had a severe effect on several industries, including education. Before the pandemic, the schools in Nigeria used a solely face-to-face method of teaching and learning. Students in schools were not permitted to own any digital devices, such as phones or computers, and they were also not permitted to be observed using them in the classrooms. Following the COVID-19 pandemic, lockdown conditions and school closings were instituted, leaving both teachers and students unsure of how to carry on with their studies. Globally, the COVID-19 pandemic has had an impact on educational systems, forcing almost complete closures of schools, colleges, and universities. Most governments around the world have temporarily closed educational institutions in an attempt to contain the spread of COVID-19. The closure of educational institutes affects not only students, teachers and families but has far-reaching economic and societal consequences. An amount of social and economic issues, including student debt, digital learning, food insecurity, and homelessness, as well as access to childcare, health care, housing, the internet, and disability services, had also come to light as a result of the closure of academic institutions in rebuttal to the disease outbreak.

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