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The study examined the impact of bride wealth and security of women in Makindye division Kampala district. It was guided by the following hypothesis; there is no significant relationship between bride wealth and security of a woman in Makindye Division, Kampala, Uganda .The study adopted a cross sectional case study design. The study population was 110,224 from which a sample size of 56 respondents was chosen from the Married Women, Local Community Opinion Leaders, and Local Council Leaders (LC1) in Makindye Division. The study used primary data questionnaire and interview guide  were used in data collection. The study made the following findings; the majority of the respondents (53.6%) said that the major impact of bride wealth on the security of a woman was that, it is a token of gratitude of the bridegroom’s people to those of the bride. Results using Pearson’s Linear Correlation Coefficient found that bride wealth significantly and positively correlated with security of a woman (r=-0.355, sig.=0.000). Regression analysis results indicated that bride wealth was found responsible for over 12% variation towards security of a woman in Makindye division (Adjusted r²=0.120). The study made the following conclusions bride-wealth has detrimental effect on security of a woman due to the fact that it increases the possibility of domestic violence as men consider women as their property bought at high prices; as a result this leads to ill treatment which could affect marital relationships. In Makindye Division, the effect of bride wealth on security of a woman has serious implications on marital instability. The study made the following recommendations; Non State Actors should carryout advocacy programmes that would stop escalation of bride wealth or stabilize it. The Traditional authorities should work on their subjects in terms of creating awareness and advising their subjects on serious dangers of bride wealth on security of a woman. There should be a maximum amount of money or materials that should be fixed for payment as bride wealth no matter the socio-economic status of the bride or groom.

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