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This study examines the effect of Board attributes on the financial performance of the selected quoted companies in Nigeria. This study adopts the expo-facto research design. Data were extracted through the secondary sources in this research work. Panel data was gathered from the contents of the annual account of 66 selected firms across different sectors on the Nigerian stock exchange to cover a period of ten years from 2010 to 2019. Ordinary Least Square (OLS) technique was used to test the hypothesis with aid of E-View software package. 9.0. From the analysis, it was noticed that on an individual note, board size and board composition exhibited an inverse relationship with ROA. Interestingly, the standard errors obtained in all estimations clearly revealed high level of precision of the estimations regarding the results for the test of hypothesis. In light of the findings of this study it was recommended that regulatory bodies and the management of firms must ensure that the independence of the constituted audit committees by respective boards must specifically be protected as the emphasis on financial expertise will largely be ineffective in constraining governance inclination of management staff if independence is not in place.

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