International Journal for Social Studies in a multidisciplinary reffered journal. For publication in IJSS, send papers to (In subject line mention, paper for IJSS)


Published: Aug 3, 2019

The Relevance of History in a Post modern milieu-Paul Ricoeur’s critical hermeneutics of history

1-19 Maria Imelda PastranaNabor

An Analysis in Religious Perspectives on Emerging STI

20-28 Ang Kean Hua

Challenges Facing Implementation of Public Private Partnership Projects in Nairobi City County

29-57 Kevin Mulama, Yusuf Muchelule

In-Service Teachers ‘Perspective of the gap between Research and Teaching Educational Management: A Reflective

58-66 Joyce Osiegbu Igbinedion

Utilizing Optimization Technique as A Decision Making Tool for Modeling Student Comprehension Ability in an Its

67-74 Achi I. I., Agwu C. O, Inyiama H. C, Bakpo F. S.

Dynamics Influencing Performance in Non-formal Schools- A Review

83-90 Reuben Nguyo Wachiuri, Jedidah Nyawira Kimathi

Works of Women’s Indian Association (WIA) & Role of Annie Besant

91-96 R. Kalaivani

A Case Study of the Burden of Care among Caregivers of HIV or Aids Patients in Jos Prison, Nigeria

97-104 Ugwuoke Kelvin Abuchi, Nimyel Remmikat

A risk-factor-based analytical approach for integrating occupational health and safety into workplace risk assessment

105-119 Ahmed Abou Elmaati, Gehan Raafat, Gihan Hosny

The rural participation complexity rainbow: challenges of community involvement in corporate social responsibility programmes in Zimbabwe

120-132 Taruvinga Muzingili, Weston Chidyausiku

Corporate Social Responsibility-An Analysis of Challenges and Prospects in India

133-141 Razdha Parveen

Science, Technology and Innovation (STI) Collaboration in OIC Countries

142-149 Ang Kean Hua

From Oral to Folk Art-New Identity after Reformation of Patua Scroll Painting of Bengal

150-152 Ishrat Jahan

Effect of Drama Method on Students’ Interest in Christian Religious

152-164 Ogwu E N, Ugwu C J, Igbokwe U.

“Perceived Self-Esteem, Selfie-Taking Compulsive Behaviors of Students and Effects on Their Academic Career”

165-177 Muhammad Irfan Qadir

Students’ Error in the Use of English Preposition

178-184 Chukwukaelo Anwuli Ph.D

The Role and influence of Mass Media in Promoting Gender Awareness

185-192 Muhammad Irfan Qadir