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This article explores how sorting and sex for grade undermine Nigerian education system. The tertiary institution's significance in the development of human capital places it in a good position to guarantee the accomplishment of this national aim. Many unscrupulous practices are said to plague university education in Nigeria. Sorting and sexual harassment have been identified as major public crisis that significantly hinders development and education. . Sexual harassment and extortion of various kinds are perceived the worst forms of corruption growing steadily on university campus in recent years. This may come in various forms such as selling of substandard reading materials, selling of continuous assessment grades to highest bidders and sorting of examination grades. It is in this note that the article calls for counsellors in the universities to organize seminars/symposia and workshops in enlightening the university community on good moral and ethical standards that help to prevent academic corruption especially based on examination ethics once in a semester, using orientation programmes.

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How to Cite
Arinze Thankgod Okpala, & Chidi Philip Okorie. (2024). Socio-Political Exploration of Sorting and Sex for Grade in the Nigerian Education System. International Journal for Social Studies, 10(4), 13-23. Retrieved from