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European Journal of Business &

Social Sciences

Available at

ISSN: 2235-767X

Volume 07 Issue 04

April 2019

Available online: P a g e | 2025

Enhancement of Contingency Constrained Economic

Load Dispatch Using Particle Swarm Optimization


M.Tech – Power System Engineering,

PRIST Deemed University, Madurai, Tamilnadu

Abstract - The power system security is mostly

influenced by several contingencies.. Under

contingency the system might get into insecure.

Determination of system state that is whether the

system is working under secure condition or not that

can be deal by security analysis. Insecure of the

system means all the components in the system are

Operating out of the specified limits. During the

contingency the transmission line power flows will

get affected and it might cross the maximum power

flow limit. So we have to control the power flows in

the transmission lines during the contingency. The

power flows in the transmission line can be control by

rescheduling of the generators in the system. In this

work the particle swarm optimization technique has

been utilized to reschedule the generators for getting

optimum cost. While rescheduling the generators

under contingency the power flows in the

transmission line will get control and they will come

within the specified limits and security will get

enhance under contingency.


The security Assessment (SA) is also called as

Security Evaluation, determines the robustness of the

system (security level) to a set of preselected

contingencies in its present or future state. It is the

analysis carried out to determine whether, and to what

extent, a power system is reasonably

safe from serious interference to its operation. A

power system may face contingencies like outage of

transmission line, outage of a generating unit, loss of

a transformer, sudden increase in demand, etc.

Although many contingencies can occur, only those

contingencies with high probability of occurrence are

to be considered and such contingencies are called

credible contingencies. A set of credible

contingencies needs to be given first priority for

security analysis.The contingency analysis involves

the simulation of individual contingency for the

power system model. In order to make the analysis

easier, it consists of three basic steps. Contingency

Creation: It comprises of a set of possible

contingency that might occur in a power system. The

process consists of creating the contingencies list.

Contingency evaluation: The necessary preventive

actions needed to be taken by the operational

engineers. Thus the power system security assessment

is an important aspect for power system engineers.

Objectives of The Work:

 Obtain the power flows in transmission lines

under the contingencies using Newton- Raphson load flow method.

 Obtain the severity index of each contingency.

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European Journal of Business &

Social Sciences

Available at

ISSN: 2235-767X

Volume 07 Issue 04

April 2019

Available online: P a g e | 2026

 Reduce the over flow in transmission lines by

rescheduling the generation to enhance system


 Obtain the optimal dispatch of generators with

minimum fuel cost along with the

minimization severity index


In recent times major blackouts has been

occurred due to this some million number of

peoples were affected. The most reason for this is

that not having good security treatment for power

system network under the different contingencies. As

demand is goes on increasing besides of transmission

capacity the power system security also get

importance for power system operation. Security of a

power system network deals with weather the

network is withstanding the contingencies without

any limit violation or not. Contingency means any

outage of transmission line, generator, transformer

etc. from power system network. If the present

condition of power system network is found to be

insecure then the action must be taken to bring the

network into the secure condition. If any transmission

line get outage from the network then the power flows

in the remaining lines will get affect and it might

cross the transmission line power flow limits also. So

because of flowing the unsafe power in that

transmission lines that lines also might get outage.

This process will continue and lead to complete black

out if we will not control the power flows in

transmission lines under contingency. So the power

system security is essential under the contingency to

operate the power system network in safe mode. The

security of a power system network can be enhance

by rerouting of power flows in the transmission lines.

The rerouting of power flows in transmission lines

can be done by rescheduling of generators.


Any outage of equipment from power system

network is called contingency. Due to the

contingency very severe problems can occur within

short time. Security assessment is essential under

contingency. Contingency analysis is needed for any

power system network because there is no chance to

extensive development of power stations for

increasing load demand. Contingency analysis should

be performed for different and unexpected faults

which are occurring in power system network to take

particular remedy prior to the fault occur in power

system network. The contingency analysis for

considered power system network has been divided

into three basic steps. They are as given below.

i. Contingency creation: This is the first step of

contingency analysis and it consists of different

contingencies which are having most chance to occur in

power system network. So finally this process gives the

list of different contingencies which are regularly

happened in power system network.

ii. Contingency Selection: This is the second step of

contingency analysis and in this process we will select

severe contingency from the list made in contingency

creation process. Severe contingency means the

contingencies for which the bus voltage and power limit

violates. The severity of each contingency can calculate

in terms of severity index and we can filter the very

sever contingencies and least

sever contingencies in this process.

iii. Contingency evaluation: This is the third step of

contingency analysis and in this process we have to

take the particular control action or security action for

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European Journal of Business &

Social Sciences

Available at

ISSN: 2235-767X

Volume 07 Issue 04

April 2019

Available online: P a g e | 2027

sever Contingencies to keep the bus voltage and power

within specified limits



Under the contingency the power system security

can be enhance by rescheduling the generating units.

While rescheduling the generators different constraints

should take into consideration. The minimum and

maximum limits of power flow and nodal voltages of

different transmission lines are the main constraints during

the rescheduling under contingency. In this work the

rescheduling has been done by using an optimization

technique called Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO).


PSO is a population based optimization technique and

it is adopted from the simulation of the fish schooling

and birds flocking. PSO having some inherent

capability so that it will take less time to compute and

require less memory space. The basic consideration

behind the PSO technique is that birds are finding

their food by flocking as a group. The PSO is also

same as some other evolutionary algorithms. The

problem is first initialised with stochastic solutions

(swarm). The potential solution of each stochastic

solution can call as particle (agent) and it is associated

with stochastic velocity and it is flying through the

problem space. Each particle have some amount

knowledge with that they will move around the

problem space. All the particles have memory and

each particle keeps track with its previous best

position (Pbest) and corresponding the fitness value.

The best of all particles of Pbest will be global best

position (Gbest). The position of each particle will be

updated by updating their velocity by following


V =WV +c * rand ()* (P best1 S )+c * rand ()* (G best - S



Algorithm steps for PSO technique.

• Initialise the population with random values and


• Computing the fitness of each agent (particle) and assign

the position of particles to Pbest

position and fitness of particle to P-best fitness.

• Identify the best value among the P-best and store the

fitness value as a G-best.

• Update the Velocity and position of each particle (agent)

by using below equations.

k+1 k k k

1 1 1 1 best1 - 1 2 2 best 1 V =WV +c * rand ()* (P S

)+c * rand ()* (G - S )

k+1 k k+1

1 1 1 S = S +V

• Check the velocities and positions whether it will be

within the range or not then again find the fitness of each

particle (agent).

• Compare the current fitness value with its previous P- best. If present value is better than the P-best then update

the P-best as a current value.

• Now compare the present value with the G-best. If

present value is better than the Gbest then update the G- best as a present value.

• Repeat the above steps until to get sufficiently good G- best or until to reach maximum number of iterations


In Chapter 2 we have discussed the different

contingency analysis. In Table No:1(Severity

indexes for different contingencies for IEEE-30 bus

system) shown that the severity of each

contingency and also shown that which lines are getting

overload under different contingencies. Because of

overloaded lines the total power system may get effect. So

we have to reduce the loading effect in overloaded lines

for that we have to reschedule the generating units. While

rescheduling the generators we have taken the severity

index also one of the constraint so that the power flow in

overloaded lines will come under specified limits. During

the rescheduling the generation by utilising PSO

optimisation technique will be as