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European Journal of Business &

Social Sciences

Available at

ISSN: 2235-767X

Volume 07 Issue 03

March 2019

Available online: P a g e | 839

Applications and Challenges of Mobile Ad-Hoc Networks


Assistant Professors, Faculty of Computer Science,

S.D. (PG) College, Panipat


Mobile ad hoc networks are a kind of temporary networks in which nodes are moving without

any fixed infrastructure or centralized administration. Ad-hoc network is a collection of nodes

that is connected through a wireless medium forming rapidly changing topologies. The

infrastructure less and the dynamic nature of these networks demands new set of networking

strategies to be implemented in order to provide efficient end-to-end communication. Mobile

ad hoc networks (MANETs) represent complex distributed systems that comprise wireless

mobile nodes that can freely and dynamically self-organize into arbitrary and temporary

network topologies. People and devices are allowed to seamlessly internetwork in areas with

no pre-existing communication infrastructure, e.g., disaster recovery environments. Routing

in Mobile Ad-hoc Networks is a challenging task due to its frequent changes in topologies.

This paper focuses on study of Mobile ad-hoc Networks (MANET’S). This paper also focuses

on the applications and challenges that are imposed by Mobile ad-hoc Networks (MANET’S).

Key Words: Challenges, Characteristics, Mobile Ad-hoc Networks, Routing protocols,



In recent years there is increasing demand on working wireless solutions for connecting to the

Internet, reading and sending E-mail messages, changing information in a meeting and so on.

Wired solutions have been around for a long time but in some disaster situations these wired

solution failed so we need a new network that overcome the flaws in wired networks, such

network known as Ad-Hoc network. Ad-Hoc means “temporarily” which means there is no

permanent network Which means they can be set up anywhere without any need for external

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European Journal of Business &

Social Sciences

Available at

ISSN: 2235-767X

Volume 07 Issue 03

March 2019

Available online: P a g e | 840

infrastructure (like wires or base stations). A MANET is an autonomous system which

supports mobile nodes, wireless links for connectivity and without using pre-existing

communication infrastructure. A MANET is similar to or is a self-configuring network that is

formed automatically by a collection of mobile nodes without the help of a fixed

infrastructure or centralized management. Since the nodes are mobile, the network topology

may change rapidly and unpredictably over time. The network is decentralized, where all

network activity including discovering the topology and delivering messages must be

executed by the nodes they, i.e., routing functionality will be incorporated into mobile nodes.

Ad hoc network is a multi-hop wireless network, which consists of number of mobile nodes.

These nodes generate traffic to be forwarded to some other nodes or a group of nodes.

Proposed quality system for detection of uncooperative nodes in ad-hoc network: Cooperation

of Nodes (CON).


A Mobile Ad Hoc Network, also called MANET, is a collection of mobile interconnected

nodes. In a MANET, the network topology can change unpredictably during data

transmissions. Every node in this kind of a network is responsible for discovering new routes

and for delivering messages. There are lots of applications for MANETs that range from small

and static low power networks to large and mobile communication systems. In this thesis we

are interested in large scale and dynamic examples of use of mobile ad hoc networks.

MANETs are often used in Wireless Sensor Networks. These wireless networks consist of

distributed autonomous nodes using sensors to monitor environmental conditions, such as

temperature, sound or motion at different places. Sensor Networks are not part of this thesis.

The design of MANETs is more complex than the design of static ad hoc networks. MANETs

need more efficient and distributed algorithms for link scheduling and routing. The biggest

problem is the determination of usable paths in a decentralized environment where the

topology can change every minute. Factors such as inconsistent link quality, fading,

interference and topological changes make it hard to determine the shortest path from source

to destination. The network should have the ability to alter the routing paths in a flexible way.

Furthermore it is important to maintain latency, security and reliability in an emergency or

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European Journal of Business &

Social Sciences

Available at

ISSN: 2235-767X

Volume 07 Issue 03

March 2019

Available online: P a g e | 841

public safety network. A defect in one of these requirements could reduce the system stability

of the network.

Mobile ad hoc networks can be used for intelligent transportation systems. This concept refers

to systems that add information and communications technology to transport infrastructure

and vehicles. The aim of these systems is to manage factors like shipment, routes, improve

safety, reduce transportation times and fuel consumption. Intelligent transportation systems

differ in technologies, they vary from basic management systems like car navigation, traffic

signal control, container management systems, variable message signs, and license plate

recognition to more complex applications that contain live data and feedback from other

sources. Examples of more advanced scenarios are parking guidance systems, information

systems of any kind, weather information and so on.


3.1 Autonomous behavior: In MANET, each node acts as both host and router. It means that

a node has ability of host and can also perform switching functions as router so endpoints and

switches are indistinguishable.

3.2 Multi-hop transmission: When a source node and destination node for a message is out

of the transmission range, the MANETs are capable of multi-hop transmission. When

delivering data packets from a source to its destination out of the direct wireless transmission

range, the packets have to be forwarded through one or more intermediate nodes.

3.3 Distributed nature of operation: As a centralized control is absent here, the control and

operation of the network is distributed among the nodes. The nodes should collaborate to

implement many functions mainly security and routing.

3.4 Dynamically changing topology: Due to mobile nodes, the change in topology is

frequent and dynamic in nature. The connectivity among the nodes may vary with time and

dynamically establish routing among them as they move about.

3.5 Inferior link capacity: The reliability, scalability, efficiency and capacity of wireless

links are often inferior when compared with wired links. One end to end path can be shared

by several sessions. The terminals communicate through which channel is subject to noise,